There is nothing better than being acknowledged for what you do, especially in the health care profession. This is why we would like to share with you today the stories of three Optimovers (users of Optimov). They are all different ages, have different occupations, diagnosed with different diseases, but all share the joy of improving the quality of their life after exercising with Optimov.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Gert, 52, is an early retiree due to COPD – a severe chronic lung disease making it hard to breathe. As there is no cure, Gert needs to exercise more to improve his overall health. Because of his severe breathing difficulties, he was often afraid of needing acute medical help, hindering him from exercising at home.

After only 4 weeks of exercising with Optimov and getting video consultations from our in-house physiotherapist, Gert is not only exercising regularly but has also shown great improvements. Because Gert lives in an area with many hills, his greatest hope was to be able to bike again on his e-bike. By being engaged and following the prescribed exercise sets, Gert has been able to achieve his  goals in record time!

Multiple Sclerosis

Drop foot healedSonja, 29, is a fulltime professional diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis who spends most of her day at work. Having difficulties finding the time to train her balance and with an accentuated drop foot (inability to lift the front part of the foot), causing her to sometimes fall down while walking, she decided to get professional consultation, online.

With Optimov, Sonja has been able to improve her balance with the prescribed exercises, after the 3rd week her drop foot was gone and now she is training to be able to run! The increased activity level has also given Sonja more energy in her daily life, making her feel less stressed at the end of the week.

Hip Pain

Baijia, 26, is a young professional who spends most of her day at work. Having difficulties finding the time to keep active, and with minor hip pains from working at a desk all day, she decided to get professional consultation, online.

After performing the prescribed exercises with Optimov, Baijia has been able to reduce her hip pain, ensuring that walking is no longer as painful. The increased activity level has also given Baijia more energy in her daily life, making her feel less fatigued when she gets home.

Exercise works!

All three Optimovers have achieved great results thanks to being proactive, consistent and engaged in following the prescribed exercises. Their success stories prove that exercise works, especially when you have the right behaviour and a platform that ensures safety, freedom and professional guidance all the way through. You can read more about Optimov here.

Categories: Optimovers


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